smell lizards hate

Learn How to Get Rid of Lizards – 15 Simple and Effective Methods

Do you have lizards in your home that are causing a nuisance? These small reptiles can be tricky to get rid of, but with the right techniques and knowledge, you can create a lizard-free living space. Fortunately, you don’t have to resort to drastic measures to evict them from your home. In this guide, we’ll take you through 15 simple and effective methods to help you get rid of lizards.

How to Get Rid of Lizards
Get Rid of Lizards
  • There are simple and effective methods to help you get rid of lizards from your home.
  • Lizards can be repelled without resorting to dangerous methods.
  • Understanding the types of lizards and what attracts them to your home can help you prevent them from entering your living spaces.
  • There are various natural remedies, scents, and preventive measures you can use to deter lizards from your home.
  • If you prefer a humane approach, there are methods to get rid of lizards without causing them harm.

Get to Know the Lizard Family

Before we dive into the methods to get rid of lizards from your home, it’s important to understand the different types of lizards that may be found in and around your living spaces. By identifying the species of lizards, you can tailor your actions to be more effective in keeping them away.

There are various types of lizards that may inhabit your home, including the tokay gecko, wild gecko, and common house lizard. The tokay gecko is the largest of the three and is readily identified by its distinctive wailing cry. The wild gecko is commonly found in rural areas, while the common house lizard is adapted to living in urban environments.

Lizard Species Identification
Tokay Gecko Distinctive wailing cry; large in size
Wild Gecko Commonly found in rural areas
Common House Lizard Adapted to living in urban environments

Knowing more about the lizard family can help you devise effective strategies to keep them away from your home. Keep in mind that the methods that work for one species may not work for another, so it’s important to understand the behavior and habitat of each type of lizard.

Now that you know the basics of the lizard family, let’s move on to the methods to get rid of them from your home.

lizard family
Get Rid of Lizards

If you’re wondering what draws lizards to your home, it’s usually one of three factors – food, shelter, or favorable environmental conditions. Understanding what attracts lizards to your home can help you take steps to make your home less inviting to them.

Food: Lizards are opportunistic feeders and will eat a variety of insects, including roaches, flies, and spiders. If you have a bug infestation in your home, lizards may be drawn to the area in search of food.

Shelter: Lizards are also attracted to hiding spots such as cluttered areas, piles of leaves, and moist areas like basements and bathrooms. They may also seek refuge from extreme temperatures, such as during hot summer months or cold winter nights.

Favorable environmental conditions: Lizards tend to thrive in warm, humid environments. If your home is located in an area with a warm climate and high humidity, you may be more likely to have lizards in and around your home.

To discourage lizards from entering your home, it’s essential to address these factors that attract them. Keep your home clean and free of clutter, especially in dark and damp areas. Minimize access to insects and other pests by ensuring all food is properly stored and waste is disposed of regularly. Additionally, sealing off any potential entry points and reducing clutter can make your home less welcoming to lizards.

what draws lizards to your home
Get Rid of Lizards

How to Prevent Lizards from Coming into Homes?

Lizards are fascinating creatures, but they can sometimes become an unwelcome presence in your home. Prevention is key to keeping lizards out of your living spaces. Here are some methods you can use to prevent lizards from coming into your home:

Block Entry Points

Lizards can enter through even the smallest openings. Inspect your home thoroughly and seal any gaps you find on doors, windows, walls, and floors. Use caulking, weather stripping, or foam insulation to fill in gaps and cracks. This will help keep lizards out of your home.

Keep the House Clean

Ensure that your home is clean and free of food crumbs and debris that may attract lizards. Dispose of garbage regularly and keep your kitchen and dining area free from leftover food. By reducing the availability of food sources, lizards are less likely to enter your home.

Use Screens

Install screens on your windows and doors to prevent lizards from entering your home. Use tight-fitting screens that are in good condition to keep lizards out.

Keep Your Yard Clean

Lizards can live in your yard and find their way into your home. Keep your yard and garden free from debris, piles of leaves, and other items that may provide a hiding spot for lizards. Keep your lawn well-maintained and trim shrubs and bushes to discourage lizards from taking up residence in your yard.

Use Repellents

Use natural or commercial repellents to keep lizards away from your home. Apply repellents to entry points and areas where lizards are likely to hide.

Maintain Temperature Control

Lizards prefer warm temperatures. Maintain your home at a temperature that is not too warm and avoid leaving your doors and windows open for extended periods of time. Use fans and air conditioning to cool your home and discourage lizards from entering.

By using these methods, you can prevent lizards from entering your home and maintain a lizard-free environment. Keep your home clean, block entry points, maintain your yard, and use repellents to deter lizards from entering your living spaces.

prevent lizards from coming into homes
Get Rid of Lizards

Lizards have a strong sense of smell, and certain scents can help repel them. By using these smells in and around your home, you can discourage lizards from entering your living spaces. Here are some smells that lizards hate most:

  • Pepper: Lizards can’t stand the smell of pepper. You can sprinkle pepper around the corners and windowsills of your house to keep lizards away. You can also make a pepper spray by mixing black pepper and water in a spray bottle and spraying it in areas where lizards are frequently seen.
  • Garlic and onions: The strong smell of garlic and onions can also deter lizards. You can place garlic and onion slices in the corners of your home or hang them in mesh bags near windows to keep lizards away.
  • Naphthalene balls: These balls give off a strong smell that repels lizards. You can place them around your home, especially in areas where lizards are frequently seen. However, be careful when using them as they can be toxic to pets and humans if ingested.

Using these smells can be an effective way to repel lizards from your home. Try experimenting with different smells to find what works best for you. However, it’s important to note that while these smells may deter lizards, they do not harm them. If you’re dealing with a persistent lizard problem, it’s best to use humane and non-lethal methods to get rid of them.

smell lizards hate
Get Rid of Lizards

If you’re dealing with a persistent lizard problem, you may feel tempted to resort to extreme measures. However, it’s important to prioritize humane and non-lethal methods whenever possible. That being said, there are some methods that can effectively kill lizards instantly.

One option is to use adhesive traps. These traps are designed to stick to the lizard’s feet, immobilizing them and preventing their escape. Once trapped, you can dispose of the lizard safely and humanely.

Another option is to use an insecticide specifically designed to kill lizards. These products work by attacking the lizard’s respiratory system and nervous system, causing death within minutes. However, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully and use these products only as a last resort.

Note: Always use caution when handling pesticides and follow the instructions carefully to avoid harm to yourself or others.

kills lizards instantly
Get Rid of Lizards

Remember, killing lizards should be a last resort. Whenever possible, try to use humane and non-lethal methods to repel them from your home.

How to Get Rid of Lizards without Killing Them?

If you prefer a humane approach to getting rid of lizards, there are several methods that you can try. These methods will help you to safely remove lizards from your home and release them back into their natural habitat.

1. Use a jar or a container: One of the simplest ways to catch a lizard is to use a jar or a container. Place the container over the lizard, slide a piece of paper under the container, and lift the container with the paper. This will create a makeshift lid, preventing the lizard from escaping, and you can safely transfer the container outside and release the lizard.

2. Use a lizard trap: You can also purchase a lizard trap from your local hardware store. These non-lethal traps lure lizards inside with bait, and once inside, the lizard can’t escape. You can then easily release the lizard by taking the trap outside.

3. Lure the lizard with food: If a lizard is hiding in a hard-to-reach spot, you can lure them out with food. Try placing a small piece of fruit or a bug near where the lizard is hiding. Once they come out to investigate, you can easily catch them using one of the methods discussed above.

4. Use your hands: If you’re comfortable handling lizards, you can simply use your hands to catch them. Be gentle and careful not to hurt the lizard. Once you have caught the lizard, take it outside and release it in a safe area away from your home.

5. Prevention: The best way to get rid of lizards without killing them is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. Follow the preventive measures discussed in the previous sections to make your home less appealing to lizards.

By using these methods, you can safely and humanely get rid of lizards from your home and create a lizard-free environment.

get rid of lizards without killing them
Get Rid of Lizards

If you’re looking to get rid of lizards in your home but prefer not to use harsh chemicals or kill them, natural methods can be highly effective. These eco-friendly methods are safe for both humans and pets and can help repel lizards from your living spaces.

Here are some natural methods to get rid of lizards:

  • Peacock Feathers: Lizards are natural prey for peacocks, and they tend to avoid areas that have peacock feathers. Place a few of these feathers around your home to repel lizards.
  • Empty Eggshells: Like peacock feathers, empty eggshells are another natural deterrent for lizards. Crush some eggshells and sprinkle them around your home to keep lizards away.
  • Tabasco Sauce Spray: Lizards dislike the strong smell of Tabasco sauce. You can make your own Tabasco spray by mixing a few drops of Tabasco sauce with water in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture in areas where lizards are frequently seen.
  • Coffee Powder: Coffee powder can be an effective natural lizard repellent. Sprinkle some coffee powder in areas where lizards are frequently seen.
  • Phenyl Tablets: Phenyl tablets are commonly used as a cleaning agent, but they can also repel lizards. Place a few of these tablets around your home to keep lizards away.
  • Vinegar and Lemon Solutions: Lizards dislike the strong smells of vinegar and lemon. Mix vinegar or lemon juice with water and spray the solution in areas where lizards are frequently seen to keep them away.
  • Keep Cats: Cats are natural predators of lizards and can help keep them away from your home. If you have a cat, allow it to roam around your home to hunt lizards.

By using these natural methods, you can effectively repel lizards from your home without causing harm to them. Experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for your situation.

get rid of lizards naturally
Get Rid of Lizards

If you’re looking for a quick and effective way to get rid of lizards, using pepper spray is a great option. Lizards have a strong sense of smell, and the pungent odor of pepper spray can deter them from entering your living spaces. Additionally, the capsaicin in pepper spray can cause discomfort to lizards.

To make your own pepper spray, simply mix a small amount of chili powder or hot sauce with water in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well and spray the solution in areas where lizards are likely to frequent, such as windowsills and doorways. Take care not to spray the solution directly on the lizards, as this can be harmful.

pepper spray to repel lizards
Get Rid of Lizards

It’s important to note that pepper spray can irritate human eyes and skin, so use it with caution. Keep the spray out of reach of children and pets, and wear gloves and protective eyewear when handling it.

Using pepper spray is a non-lethal and humane method to repel lizards from your home. However, it’s important to also implement preventive measures to keep them from entering your living spaces in the first place.

Place Onions and Garlic to get rid of lizards

If you’re looking for a natural and effective way to repel lizards from your home, consider using onions and garlic. These pungent aromas are known to be strong lizard deterrents.

To use onions and garlic to get rid of lizards, chop them up into small pieces and place them around your home in areas where lizards are known to frequent. These may include corners, windowsills, and doorways. You can also place them near potential entry points to keep the lizards at bay.

Don’t worry about the strong smell of onions and garlic; while it may be unpleasant to lizards, humans will barely notice it once the pieces have dried out. However, it’s important to replace the onions and garlic regularly to maintain their potency.

Using onions and garlic as a natural lizard repellent can be a cheap and easy solution to your lizard problem. Try it out and enjoy a lizard-free living space!

place onions and garlic to repel lizards
Get Rid of Lizards

If you are looking for an effective way to keep lizards away, naphthalene balls can be an excellent option. These balls are commonly used in households to repel pests like lizards, moths, and other insects.

Naphthalene balls release a strong odor that is unpleasant to lizards, causing them to avoid the area. To use naphthalene balls, simply place them in areas where lizards are likely to be found, such as closets, behind furniture, or in corners of the room.

It’s important to note that while naphthalene balls can be useful in repelling lizards, they should be used with caution. These balls are toxic and can cause harm to humans and pets if ingested. Therefore, it’s essential to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Additionally, ensure that the room is adequately ventilated to avoid inhaling the fumes. It’s best to use naphthalene balls sparingly and only when needed.

Use Naphthalene Balls to Keep Lizards Away
Get Rid of Lizards

Reduce Room Temperature to Discourage Lizards

If you want to discourage lizards from entering your home, consider lowering the temperature in your living spaces. Lizards prefer warm environments and may retreat from cooler areas.

You can lower room temperature by using fans or air conditioning units. These appliances will also help improve air circulation, which can keep lizards at bay.

However, keep in mind that excessively cold temperatures can also be harmful to humans and pets, so find a balance that works for everyone.

Reduce Room Temperature to Discourage Lizards
Get Rid of Lizards

Implementing this method in conjunction with other preventive measures can significantly reduce the presence of lizards in your home.

Dispose of Unused Food Properly

Food sources are one of the main reasons lizards may enter your home. Ensure that you dispose of unused food properly. Cover food dishes and store them in airtight containers. Avoid leaving food out overnight and make sure to keep your kitchen area clean and tidy. Don’t let dirty dishes pile up in your sink or on your counters. Dispose of leftover food scraps in a sealed trash can or compost bin. By properly disposing of unused food, you can avoid attracting lizards and other pests into your home.

dispose of unused food
Get Rid of Lizards

Implementing good hygiene practices is crucial in minimizing the presence of lizards in your home. Make it a habit to clean up after meals, clear your trash regularly, and keep food storage areas tidy. Dispose of unused food properly and avoid leaving any food sources exposed. By doing so, you’ll be making your home less attractive to lizards and increase the chances of achieving a lizard-free environment.

Seal Every Crack on Doors, Windows, and Walls

If you want to keep lizards out of your home, one of the most important things you can do is seal every crack on your doors, windows, and walls. Lizards can squeeze through the tiniest of openings, so it’s important to be thorough in your efforts.

Start by inspecting the exterior of your home for any cracks or gaps that could serve as potential entry points for lizards. Pay special attention to areas where pipes, wires, or cables enter your home, as these often provide easy access for lizards.

Use a caulking gun to fill in any gaps or cracks you find. This will create a barrier that lizards cannot penetrate. Be sure to use a high-quality sealant that can withstand exposure to the elements.

Another effective way to seal gaps is to use weatherstripping. This is a flexible material that you can use to close off gaps around doors and windows. It’s also useful for sealing gaps around vents and other openings.

In addition to sealing cracks, be sure to replace any damaged screens on doors and windows. This will prevent lizards from crawling through holes in the mesh.

By taking these steps, you can significantly reduce the number of entry points for lizards in your home. This will make it much more difficult for them to find a way inside, ensuring that your living spaces remain lizard-free.

seal every crack on doors, windows, and walls
Get Rid of Lizards

Aside from the methods mentioned earlier, there are other ways to get rid of lizards from your home. Some of these methods may seem unconventional, but they have been proven to be effective.

  • Peacock feathers: Lizards are known to be afraid of peacock feathers. Placing these feathers around your home can help keep lizards away.
  • Empty eggshells: Crushed eggshells can be an effective deterrent for lizards. Sprinkle them in areas where lizards are frequently seen.
  • Tabasco sauce spray: Mixing Tabasco sauce with water and spraying the solution in areas where lizards are seen can help keep them away. However, be careful not to spray on surfaces that may be damaged by the solution.
  • Coffee powder: Sprinkling coffee powder in areas where lizards are seen can help repel them. The strong scent of coffee is unpleasant for lizards.
  • Phenyl tablets: Phenyl tablets are commonly used to disinfect floors. Placing these tablets in areas where lizards are seen can also help repel them.
  • Vinegar and lemon solutions: Lizards dislike the strong smell of vinegar and lemon. Mixing these two solutions and spraying them in areas where lizards are seen can help deter them.
  • Cats: Cats are natural predators of lizards. Having a cat in your home can help keep lizards away.

Remember to assess each method and consider its effectiveness in your specific situation. These methods can be used in combination with other preventive measures to keep lizards away from your home.

other methods to get rid of lizards
Get Rid of Lizards

Congratulations, you have now learned how to effectively get rid of lizards from your home using simple and effective methods. It’s important to remember that prevention is key when it comes to keeping lizards out of your living spaces.

Start by understanding the different types of lizards that may be found in and around your home. Then, identify what draws lizards to your home and take measures to address those factors. Preventive measures like blocking entry points, sealing cracks, and reducing room temperature will help keep lizards at bay.

If you’re dealing with a persistent lizard problem, there are several methods you can use to deter and remove them from your home. Natural remedies like using onions, garlic, and naphthalene balls, as well as making homemade pepper spray can be effective and eco-friendly solutions.

Remember to prioritize humane methods whenever possible and regularly follow preventive measures to maintain a lizard-free environment. By following these simple and effective techniques, you can enjoy a lizard-free living space. These are the effective methods to get rid of lizards.

Happy Learning 

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prevent lizards from coming into homes
get rid of lizards.


What are some simple and effective methods to get rid of lizards?

There are various methods you can try, such as using pepper spray, placing onions and garlic around your home, using naphthalene balls, reducing room temperature, and sealing cracks on doors, windows, and walls.

How can I prevent lizards from coming into my home?

To prevent lizards from entering your home, you can block their entry points, seal cracks, and create a lizard-proof barrier. Regularly inspect and maintain the areas where lizards can potentially enter your home.

What draws lizards to my home?

Lizards are attracted to food sources, hiding spots, and favorable environmental conditions. They may be drawn to areas where there is easy access to food, such as insects or small invertebrates.

What smells do lizards hate the most?

Lizards are known to dislike certain scents, such as pepper, onion, garlic, and naphthalene. By strategically using these smells, you can deter lizards from entering your living spaces.

How can I get rid of lizards without killing them?

If you prefer a more humane approach, you can safely remove lizards from your home and release them back into their natural habitat. This can be done using various methods, such as using a humane lizard trap or carefully capturing them with a net.

Are there any natural remedies to repel lizards?

Yes, there are several natural methods you can use to repel lizards. These include using natural repellents like citrus peels, coffee grounds, vinegar, and lemon solutions. These natural remedies are safe for both humans and pets.

How can I use pepper spray to repel lizards?

To use pepper spray as a lizard deterrent to get rid of lizards, you can make a solution by mixing water and cayenne pepper or chili powder. Then, spray this solution in areas where lizards are frequently seen or suspected to deter them from entering.

How can I use onions and garlic to repel lizards?

You can strategically place onions and garlic around your home to get rid of lizards. The strong scent of these foods acts as a deterrent. You can place sliced onions or crushed garlic cloves near entry points or areas where lizards are commonly found.

How do naphthalene balls help in keeping lizards away?

Naphthalene balls emit a strong smell that repels lizards. You can place these balls in areas where lizards are frequently seen, such as corners, underneath furniture, or near entry points. However, be cautious, as naphthalene balls should be kept out of reach of children and pets. This is also an effective method to get rid of lizards.

Can I reduce room temperature to discourage lizards?

Get Rid of Lizards;- Lizards prefer warmer environments, so reducing the room temperature can make your home less inviting to them. You can use fans or air conditioning to keep your home cool and discourage lizards from staying.

How should I dispose of unused food to avoid attracting lizards?

Properly disposing of unused food is essential to avoid attracting lizards into your home. Make sure to seal food containers tightly, clean up any spills or crumbs, and regularly empty trash bins. Keeping your kitchen clean and free of food debris will help minimize lizard attraction. This is also an effective method to get rid of lizards.

How can I seal cracks on doors, windows, and walls to prevent lizards from entering?

Get Rid of Lizards:- Inspect your doors, windows, and walls for any cracks or openings that lizards could use as entry points. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal these cracks and gaps. Pay attention to areas around pipes, vents, and electrical outlets as well to Get Rid of Lizards.

Are there any other methods to get rid of lizards?

Get Rid of Lizards:- Yes, there are additional methods you can try, such as using deterrents like peacock feathers, empty eggshells, tabasco sauce spray, coffee powder, or phenyl tablets. Keeping cats as pets can also help in keeping lizards away. Be sure to research and choose methods to get Rid of lizards that align with your preferences and safety considerations.

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